Stipulation - literally in Latin "straw" - it is what the Romans ritually broke as a sign of adhesion to an agreement.Stipulation it is synonymous with the pact of quality and distinction that the Florentine fountain pen factory is ready to establish with those who trust it.
Faithful to a logic of continuity with the past and in full respect of the tradition of the "Florentine workshops",Stipulationfeels called to translate this unique heritage into pens of the highest quality.
ThereRibbed leaf present in the brand and recurring in the markings and punching of the Stipula pens evokes the vocation of writing. With its ribs ready to conduct the sap from the root of the plant to its top, theRibbed leafStipula is in fact a natural metaphor of that principle of capillarity that makes the world of the fountain pen physically possible.

In 1945, following the liberation of Florence, fifteen-year-old Renzo Salvadori was hired at a small mechanical workshop located in the center of the city of Florence, in a small alley near Piazza della Signoria, called Chiasso del Buco. Here begins his career as turner dealing with an old revolver lathe. Renzo's passion for pens began almost by chance in this workshop in Chiasso del Buco in Florence.
One day he asks his foreman for permission to stay at work after hours and uses the equipment to repair an old tank pen belonging to his father Angiolino. It is a gold-laminated ebonite pen that his father had received as a gift in his youth and which no longer holds ink: now the pen ends up in Renzo's hands due to an attempt at extraordinary assistance. Renzo Salvadori is intrigued by how it works and discovers in himself an unexpected familiarity with writing instruments.
Not only does he return his favorite fountain pen to his father in perfect working order, but he begins to take an interest in used pens, which he repairs and in some cases almost completely rebuilds with self-produced parts on the lathe. It was a short step from there to being known by retailers in the city of Florence for his ability to get even the most difficult cases back on track.
But for Renzo the pens still remain a filler. He equipped his cellar in Via del Caparra in Florence as a real miniature laboratory, but his work keeps him busy all day (first several mechanical workshops; then the management of the Florence tram company workshop) .

Fountain pens
and Handmade Nibs
in the city of Leonardo
and Michelangelo